Expanded Products and Mission 2016
2016 was an amazing year for both the expansion of Pacha Soap’s products and mission! Froth Bombs in all shapes and colors were handcrafted by our team, Andrew and Abi took their second trip to Burundi and drilling team completed their first well!
Pacha Bulk Soap expanded to Canada!
The community of Kamakara, Burundi was able to build not only a handwashing station, but a toilet facility! Children and families in Kamakara were now able to maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Andrew and Abi took their second trip to Burundi, Africa. This time they were able to help survey the land for clean water.

Pacha was presented with the Excellence in Economic Development award by Congressman Adrian Smith.

Froth Bombs were released!

The Burundi drilling team manually dug their first clean water well!

Holiday items included hand-sewn bags by women in Burundi. Through this partnership careers and financial independence were provided to the sewing team!

So much has changed over the years, and we aren’t done yet! We can’t wait to show you something completely new tomorrow!